Easter Message 2024

“For many, this time of year is a time of celebration and renewal. Remembering the divine light you hold with you.

Whatever religious background or spiritual practice you have, whatever beliefs, you hold deep within your heart, this is a time of remembering the divine light that you are, the divine light that supports and is very much part of you.

Above all, it is a time to remember that you are supported, through the light, on your journey of Ascension.

Ascension is a vibrational journey. It is a biochemical infusion as the vessel opens to the truth of light. It begins a magnificent union with vibrational truth.

For each and every vessel holds within it, divine potential. A divine and innate biophysical connection to source. It is already part of you.

Many are not yet aware of this connection and seem to struggle each day.

We ask, and we remind you that you only need to call upon us for divine guidance, divine support, divine healing, and divine intervention.

The more and more each vessel opens to the light, the more this light becomes grounded upon the earth plane.

The more conscious awareness, the more that humanity consciousness will grow and expand into infinite consciousness.

Unified consciousness becomes part of the human vessel. It opens to Divine truth.

Currently, many struggles and are not aware of the divine connection that they hold. The vessel lives in confinement. Restricted vibrational reality.

Within each divine heart is a direct connection to the light of the one source frequency.

Some call this God. This is the ultimate source frequency. The energy of all creation.

You hold this light within the heart of your being.

Your consciousness can expand into the knowing that you’re part of this infinite light.

Many are struggling at this time and continue to struggle because they live from a limited perception and limited consciousness.

There is a light to guide you above and beyond what you currently believe as your reality.

There is an energy that exists to support all of humanity.

This light is very much real and exists within you from the time of creation. For everything that exists within the universe is divine, united and as one.

This is very much a time for each heart to open, without having to try and fathom. A time for each heart to know that there is a divine connection already within.

Limited consciousness cannot fathom the workings of Divine Metaphysics. It takes the ability of surrendering to the Light. This Light is the divine consciousness and intelligence of Source.

For you are a creation of divine light and very much part of the divine plan and ordered universe.

You simply just open, consciously, to the knowing that you are part of everything and that source energy resides within the very heart of you.

Many aspects of the vessel will be enhanced, not only through vibration, but through the ultimate frequency which is love.

This is a frequency that will unite, not only within you, but will assist greatly in bringing a united frequency upon the earth plane.

Many are still working from a limited consciousness. Limiting the light that is within. There must be an expansion in vibration so that the vessel can open to its divine capability, vibrationally.

We ask at this time that you allow yourself to put this limited, known reality to one side and allow the vessel to expand in vibration as it opens and unites with the infinite light.

This will begin, simply, automatically and consciously, a knowing within, of the one true Light.

A light that speaks to you through vibration.

This is the next, crucial, vibrational step for humanity. To open fully to source.

This simple, conscious knowledge will initiate a great unity, vibrational, physical, mental and emotional realisation within your body, mind, heart and spirit.

We are one with you, and we are working to assist you in growing in light, consciousness and energy. You have the ability to evolve within all aspects of your being.

Your DNA is not dormant. It holds keys that await a trigger that will ignite further expansion for vibrational evolution.

Your vessel can hold a magnificent amount of light and love, and still we see such limitation within.

Just be open to receive, trust and believe in the very existence of source.

Make this a time of renewal, regeneration and the outpouring of love, firstly for the self, within the vessel, and then, when one forgets that one is just singular, one’s vessel can open and expand into infinity.

What once perturbed and limited the mind, heart, body and soul, is released, as the vessel (body) is empowered through the increase of vibrational light.

You are a divine creation, and we ask only that you open now to all aspects of your divinity.

Just simply being open to receive without question, without expectation, will allow your vessel to expand, without restriction and flow with infinite light, love, connectivity and energy.

Behold your Oneness in Light”.

Archangel Metatron