Separated Consciousness 020823
Archangel Metatron reminds us of our comprehension of the vibrational dynamics of separated consciousness.
Separated consciousness points to parts within the vessel that become separated and distant from each other. The whole becomes separated, no longer united. Split, distorted, the mind running the vessel.
“It is through the heart that one must live. Releasing from dwelling in a vessel governed by thoughts. Through the simple dynamic of just being, one releases the vessel so that the heart leads and the mind surrenders”.
An important aspect of this is releasing from separation within our mind and thought processes.
So if we begin to look at separated consciousness from the vibrational aspect, we are reminded to release from any aspects of separation, where there is distortion within the vessel, especially from the aspects of consciousness.
Let us surrender to the Light of Source. The eternal guidance that we receive when we become as One, aligned, in unison, with divine consciousness.
There is a relinquishment of separation within the human system. We release from self identification, opening up to the realms of the infinite.
Vibrational alignment is one of the master codes of Ascension dynamics. In order for us to fully and truly ascend, to feel and experience our divinity, we must acknowledge the importance of vibrational alignment.
Parts of the dynamics lie within our own conscious expansion. Something that we have to initiate from within. A letting go of the mind/thought control processes and inbuilt learn’ed systematic programmes, so that we allow the vessel to feel freedom within. We become heart not mind.
It is through this conscious expansion, without the barriers and limitation that are held in the separation consciousness, that we are able to release the “self” and unite with the “One”.