Metatronia Psychic Medium Training
This Attunement assists you with opening up to Source connection and channelling. Bringing insight and guidance orchestrated by the great Master of Universal Knowledge, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus, to prepare the vessel and simplify the expansion and alignment.
All of these vibrational Light codings are created through Archangel Metatron. With particular focus on development of Psychic abilities through Source Light Dynamics.
This experience is a unique one for each divine soul.
Dropbox Webinar recording includes vessel vibrational preparation meditations, and an initial Light Attunement is automatically included within the recording. A separate Distant Attunement is then set up for the Student.
Time must be given after this training and for both integrated and separate Attunement to allow for vibrational alignment and expansion.
When connected to the Light of Archangel Metatron, we must let go of any expectations. Just allowing our vessel (body) to unite with him as one, in the place of serenity, peace, and silence. Knowing that the connection is there.
When we “force” or “try” we are in separation.
When we go with the flow, simply flowing, we are united as one with the Light and divine consciousness of the Universe.
Akashic Records
I do not speak of “Akashic records”. It’s simply a term that is created by human ideology. Archangel Metatron guides us that this is universal consciousness and is open to all who are vibrationally open.
There is no one place. The Universe is infinite and provides us with its infinite knowledge and vibration if we meet it through divine vibrational equilibrium and unity.
This is why it is vastly important to come out of the ideology and separated aspect of working in the psychic realms and mediumship. For the vibrational, integration raises our frequency and light above separation.
This is a most important vibrational dynamic we must be aware of when we are wishing to work, with psychic energies.
“Akasha” is a Sanskrit term for “Aether”.
The term “”Akashic Records” was created by Helen Blavatsky, Rudolph Stein and Edgar Cayce. Many have made claims to this human-origin name. Expanding on its meaning over time. Yet many have not truly experienced Universal consciousness.
It is a divine consciousness all of its own that we, as humans, have the ability to open up to. It just requires letting go of separation consciousness, ideology and ego traits, and uniting with universal divine intelligence. You could term this vibrational action “Ascension”.
For each divine soul has different levels of ability and frequency. What one is able to do, another is not, or is able to do something different, so we must never force or try. We go with divine flow and open up the vessel to Divine Light Dynamics.
“For each are unique in their resonance”.
If we are forcing connection, then it is not from a place of truth and authenticity.
Working at this level has a vibrational impact on our vessel, so we must be mindful to take a rest in between assisting others to allow our own vessel’s energy to settle and rejuvenate.
It is a very sacred dynamic to be able to work with somebody at this level.
For instance, I won’t work giving psychic readings online, although I have done in the past, many years ago, because it can leave you feeling very drained and often these types of services are just spouting out the same information because there is a high level of gullibility and naivety when people are receiving readings.
Psychic medium connection is never forced. Never demanding. It comes not from us, but through us, through vibrational surrender, expansion, release and sacred opening into the magnificent universal consciousness frequency.
Archangel Metatron guides us “To Trust, Believe and be Open to Receive”.
This means that we work not from separated consciousness and ideology, but from a vibrational place that is opened within our vessel that unites us directly with Source.
“Thank you for the beautiful Webinar. It was truly astounding, the energy you brought, as well as the simplicity”. “
“Brilliant session, absolutely loved it. Genius way to “teach” about these innate abilities – from the connection with and alignment with Source through simplicity and light codings”.
“ABSOLUTELY SMASHING AND SMASHED!!! Lol My Nan and Grandad came in and two passed friends!! Best webinar yet, energy so powerful, found it hard to stay awake but managed”.
“OMG So powerful! Feeling kind of out of it. You were amazing. Thank you and thank Thoth!”.
“Such an outstanding webinar. You opened up a new way of teaching and comprehension of something that can often be very frustrating. Thank you”.
“What a beautiful approach to teaching”. So insightful”. Thank you”.