
Diane Ram - Metatronia Metaphysician - San Francisco - RamDiane1117@gmail.com - +1 650 219 4969

Louise Keoghan - Metatronia Metaphysician - Shropshire, UK - soclk@hotmail.co.uk - www.celestiallightalchemy.com

Linda Trent - Metatronia Metaphysician - Kansas City, Missouri - https://www.lindatrent.com

Marlene Castaneda - Sacramento USA - castaneda.marlene10@gmail.com - www.humanityholistichealth.com

Janett Wawryzniak - Metatronia Metaphysician - USA - https://www.metatronattunements.com/

Deb Nixon - Metatronia Metaphysician - Hereford, UK - nixtherapies@gmail.com - www.nix-therapy.com

Adola (继舫 张) - Metatronia Metaphysician - China - 356213069@qq.com

​Michelle Magana - Metatronia Metaphysician - Philippines- michellemagana1@gmail.com

Flora (谢毅芳) - Metatronia Metaphysician - China - 1814350@qq.com

This is the register of Metatronia Foundation of Light Teachers who are fully Trained Divine Metaphysics Practitioners. They are chosen for their authenticity, diligence and divine abilities as Lightworkers and Energy Practitioners.  Our Foundation Teachers can be contacted for Metatronia Attunements, Training and Energy Healing services. Each Teacher has their own way of practice and hold divine innate gifts that they bring to their students and clients. To be a Metatronia Foundation Teacher you must have completed the Metatronia Metaphysician Course. MT Foundation Teachers have access to a comprehensive Dropbox folder to assist their practice and to whom I offer ongoing complimentary email coaching, mentoring, guidance and support.