Ascension Consciousness 111024

Ascension consciousness involves vibrational expansion for human evolution. It is our own responsibility to evolve consciously.

Through the Light of Archangel Metatron, we are supported through integration of vibrational Light codes that positively alter the “electromagnetic” energy within our vessel.

The human vessel holds an energetic field that is not visible to the human eye. It is above anything that can be physically quantified. Only through love and higher consciousness within the human vessel, can it be known. Each divine heart will know and feel its existence, vibration, love and living consciousness.

This energetic field is Source Light. It is the very essence of life itself, brought to us from the creator life force. All that exists does so through this invisible essence. This invisible field of Light.

Our part in Ascension is to consciously become aware of this Divine Metaphysical dynamic.

The rising in consciousness is not automatically done for us. Our part in this is to become aware that our vibration has the ability to shift through the dynamics of Source Light. This is a crucial aspect of our ascension journey.

For many go through life believing that there is going to be a quick fix on the spiritual journey, and this is not so. There must be a unity between the vibrations of the “higher planes” as they integrate through the human vessel. The Gateway being our consciousness.

We begin to open vibrationally, as we connect with Source, to the truth of Light on a cellular level. This connection is through the Archangel Metatron. His light is the magnificent bridge between the physical human experience and source. It is a trinity dynamic. Consciously, physically, spiritually.

The simplest of steps that will assist you is for you to hand over any pre-conceived notions of ascension and to allow the vessel to surrender to its Source, beyond the linear, beliefs, religion. For even in religion there is a human element that does not allow the truth fully in, only from what the current conscious level is willing to accept or that believes in through doctrine, rigidity, controls, and methodology.

As you open and expand, beyond restriction, you allow source to guide you as your vessel becomes aligned to the most conscious and intelligent light. The Light of all creation.

This is not religion, this is divine metaphysical dynamics.

To truly awaken to this takes an element of trust and handing over of the identity/ego aspects of the current “limited self”.

For there is a divine mechanism involved in ascension, and this resides far beyond the linear.

It is a handing over, an opening of all aspects of the human vessel so that it can, once again, connect into the truth of divine light.

It is not something someone can promise you or give you, as opening to the dynamics of Source remains a personal and most divine vibrational experience.

It is not human-made. It is the source that human is created from and is a most sacred part of.

In the relinquishing of ownership and control is where humankind will unite with divine sovereignty. It is a new way of being, as your vessel becomes consciously aware of its Source.

What can be revealed is that the dynamics of this light is the same for all humankind. It does not work through limitation and is the essence that will unite all through a “singular” frequency that will bring unity of heart, mind and vibration, as Oneness.

It will not be sought from the mind but will be an energy that will ripple throughout every vessel. It is there now, waiting to be revealed. For it is part of our very DNA. Awaiting our conscious expansion.

There are many misconceptions, but the truth of ascension is a very divine process and journey. The most sacred of transitions. The beauty and truth of which lies within the heart of the beholder.

To limit “ascension” to time is a human aspect that creates still further separation within consciousness by those who attempt to lead others through misguided reality.

You will know the truth of the light as it will guide you from a place deep within, and as you awaken more, your vessel’s electricity will more easily navigate you to the truth of light. It is a time of truth revealing itself.

Let your vessel be your guide as it begins to recognise its divinity through the Light that begins to emerge when the sacred space is created.

Archangel Metatron is unveiling to us that unity in vibration is paramount for us and that within this unity and oneness, when one truly feels its source, all else will dissolve. There is a Light here to guide you, if you are open to receive.

The human form is altering vibrationally and it can no longer hold density. These are the lower frequencies such as anger, jealousy, limited consciousness, hate and more – all the dense vibrations that bring discord. They are not our true vibration, and so they cause distortion, conflict, turmoil and discomfort.

Ascension is about living in your true vibration and releasing the density, so that you can live vibrationally aligned where you connect to the infinite, eternal flow of ONE.

An electrical wiring, if it has the incorrect flow going through it, will not work correctly, will be limited in its input and output and may stop working altogether until the voltage/flow is corrected.

We are not dissimilar. As vibrational Beings, our vibrational alignment is key. Release the resistance, constraints and surrender into divine infinite flow. Live from your true, full Source Light setting. You simply allow the flow through letting in love, rising into higher consciousness and detaching from lower frequencies, thoughts, actions, and deeds.

When you are in infinite flow, there is great alignment, greater connection. No distortion, nil resistance, no pushing, no forcing. Your true, authentic vibration flows unlimited.

You are coming to realise that your vibration is key, and alignment of that vibration is the greatest key to ascension.

There are no words to fully encompass the ascension journey but when we begin to open to the truth that we are vibration, then we begin a great journey of expansion and awakening into the truth of who we are, and the many gifts that are shown to us, as we embark in our divine surrendering, the path of attaining our vibrational truth.

The divine light is there to behold us, to assist our ascension journey. It will light and guide every step of our journey.

The key lies in the knowing that we are all part of the divine and ordered Universe and there is an eternal light so bright that will shine the way. All is connected to all.

On the human Ascension journey, we must be consciously aware that we have a part to play in this. Not only on an individual level, but as each consciousness begins to rise, this will have both an affect and effect on the vibration all around us. It has to start at the core of us. In the very heart of your being.

Love ignites a light within that grows and expands not only within the physical vessel but expands the consciousness to enable it to rise in unified order with the one source light.

As we open the vessel to the light of Archangel Metatron, we begin the conscious vibrational Ascension journey. We cannot do this unless there is unity. In body, mind, heart, and soul. Become One. No separation. No different parts. Only unison within.

Humankind cannot ascend in the current mindset and with the current burdens that are carried. In order to ascend the current limited and lower consciousness existence, humans must be lifted into a state of altered higher consciousness through energetic and vibrational enlightenment and awakening mechanisms so that they become one with the light.

Match like with like, as above, so below.

These energetic light codings have always been available to humankind.

For those that so choose and wish to ascend, the key lies in the conscious expansion and surrendering of old ways, to work in unison with source in order to reach ‘At-One-Ment’ with the vibration of the One. This is the Master Key to Ascension”.