Words of Comfort in a Changing World

Outward expansion brings inner release. The more you release the need to be in your head, the heart can release and align you with great truth within yourself.

When the focus is on the self and internalized the heart is suffocated from the divine connection to the One Source.

Allow your focus to be inward but to the heart, not inward to the head, and also an outward expansion of love and focus for all of humanity. For we are at one with all that is.

The time of the focus being on the Self and with the mind is over. The time to live from the heart and an outer directed focus of thoughts of Oneness is upon us.

We are asked to bring our vibration and consciousness up to the next evolutionary level of Oneness, that being without thoughts and ideas that we are singular and require separation to make us unique.

The more you dwell on the self, within the mind and within your own internalized world, the deeper you can sink into separation.

Allow your consciousness to expand out into the Oneness that is part of all that is. As above so below. Become part of everything.

Release the requirement to dwell on old patterns and old thoughts. This is the old, fragmented way of being and does not and cannot carry us forward into the divine light of the One. We cannot reach alignment within a fragmented consciousness.

The time is upon you now where you are released from old ways of being. Rejoice in the great light that is within you and shows you that you are part of eternity.

Through the divine and eternal light of the One you are omnipresent. You are part of all that is.

Do not dwell in the separated consciousness. Open yourself to the collective and divine consciousness of all that is. For you are not separate, you are part of eternity itself.

It is for you to release and surrender the need to dwell within your mind space for this brings many limitations and much separation.

Open your heart to all that is. The light is upon you. There are new vibrational heights to explore within.

Trust, Believe and be open to receive.

Tammy Majchrzak

Metablog Archives 2nd January 2014