The Flight of Ascension

As we embark on our journey of Ascension there is vibrational preparation, Source integration, alignment and expansion. I assist you in taking flight on your journey into the Light.

Working on a one-on-one light consultation basis, I assist the connection to Source through the Light of Archangel Metatron. A most divine and uniquely authentic experience.

As our vessel takes its virgin flight, we open up to the truth of Light that we feel as vibrational connection within the vessel, integrating at the very heart of our Being.

It is a very sacred unity and Metatronia Energy Consultation supports all aspects of the Ascension journey.

Allow me to assist you as you open to the majesty of Source Light. As you feel your wings expanding as the universe opens before you.

This is my specialty. My offering to those on their path of Light. The authentic connection to Source.

Archangel Metatron guides our every step. As he opens the vessel to the Light. We feel it through vibrational verification.

If you are ready to experience the truth of Light, the opening, the expansion, the wonders of the most sacred connection, let me assist you in opening your wings and taking that first flight.