Shekhinah 10052022

The Light of God. Not a Female Deity or Goddess. Shekhinah is the very essence of Light itself.

There is a misconception that Shekhinah is a female body, a female Essence. This is not correct.

Shekhinah is the “Holy Spirit”. The divine formation of the sacred geometries of light which are created at the hands of Archangel Metatron.

It is neither male nor female but the very essence of life itself. The divine dynamics of all creation are made through this light.

“Shekhinah works to evolve all forms of life “to spiral beyond its current life form and to connect with the crown of glory”.

“Shekhinah – the presence of God. The sanctification of the molecular form of the inner universe by the Holy Spirit”. – J J Hurtak.

“It denotes the dwelling and settling of the divine presence of God”.

Shekinta (Aramaic) – presence, glory of God.

So we can see, to state Shekhinah is anything other than the Holy Spirit is fabrication.

In our ascension we open the vessel to the truth of light . As our vessel lifts into transparency, a vibrational dynamic of the light, it is prepared and illuminated at a soul level. We release from all that is falsity.

Shekhinah is the presence of God as light. The light of the one, preparing the vessel for its star illumination.

The relationship of Archangel Metatron and Shekhinah:

Archangel Metatron is the creator and director of the sacred geometries of creator light that assists the evolution of mankind. Shekhinah is the verified vibrational formation of this light, as what we term the “holy spirit”.

Shekhinah assists with the earthly vibrational dynamics of the Merkabah, our body of light. Archangel Metatron is the creator of the formation and vibrational dynamics that make up the body of light. The 2 are 1 in completion.

Archangel Metatron has equipped the human body/vessel with the ability to experience these divine ascending transformations through light. The application of the light itself is through the Shekhinah.

Shekhinah is a conscious and intelligent light form. One that guides us in purity, authenticity and transparency.

The divine molecules of light work to adjust our frequency and in our connection to the light, there is transformation and ascension of the physical form.

Let us open our hearts to the true energy of Shekinah. The Holy Spirit. The light of Archangel Metatron. Not a deity or a goddess but the most profound light that exists in the universe. Created at the hands of God.

Let us release from falsity which only serves to further blind us.

Let us open our eyes to the truth of our Source.

Let us connect with the Divine consciousness of Shekhinah in all its glorious light. It will communicate with us. It will guide us.

Archangel Metatron makes this dynamic possible for the Ascension of mankind.

There are many writings on the meaning of Shekhinah. And yet when we tune into the light itself, we feel the divine intelligent and conscious energy that is the light. This frequency is very different to the linear/mental application, beliefs and programming.

I guide you to tune into the very essence of source yourself. Beyond any teachings, books or Earth bound knowledge.

Simply open the vessel to the truth of the light. It is here that you will experience the divinity of light.

Let the light be your guide. Let the light be your teacher. As your vessel bears witness through the most sacred biochemical and bio-cellular interaction.

The living, conscious light is felt within the very heart of your being.

Do not have it as something separate from you or something to attain to but as something that is with you right now. For the truth of the light will set you free.

Shekhinah is the Light of God. The Light that is ever-present in all of creation.