MT Divine Arcana Card Reader Training
This training includes a distant Light Attunement. Source Light connection received through working with these cards will initiate a shift in vibration. It is advised to spend a few days working on a personal level with the cards and experiencing their vibration. The cards incorporate Source Light to enhance Psychic ability/Light Connectivity/Channelling. Dropbox link provided containing a webinar recording. The Cards bring insight/guidance from The Trilogy Masters of Light – Archangel Metatron, Jesus and Thoth. When working with the cards, a whole new level of consciousness opens within you. Your channel of Divine Light is opened and strengthened. With Metatronia (Source) frequency we work through simplicity as we surrender and allow the light to work with and through us. The webinar recording includes light initiation to aid the conscious expansion. You will be able to utilise the cards to offer readings and training to others. Our guidance is “to surrender to the divine intelligence that is being purveyed to you through the light connection”. You must complete the META practitioner Attunement before taking this training. Pack includes: MT Divine Arcana Cards (Small pack) posted, Dropbox link, Distant Energy Attunement. (Card packaging may vary according to stock held). (Email me for non-UK postage costs).