Metatronia Therapy
Many people fear the term “therapy”. The word therapy is nothing to be feared. It is often greatly misinterpreted.
The history of the word therapy has many different explanations and the one I personally love the most is “from Greek ‘therapeia’ meaning ‘curing, healing’”.
When we enter any kind of therapy, we are entering into a time of helping ourselves, often through the support, guidance and intervention of a practitioner/therapist, by whatever means that maybe.
It is taking time to have some kind of therapeutic intervention to assist us.
So when you hear the name “Metatronia Therapy” many could get caught in the stigma and misunderstanding that it means that there’s something wrong with you that requires therapy.
On the contrary. Metatronia is Source Light intervention from the archangel realms. Lovingly directed through rays of pulsating sacred codings from Archangel Metatron. So in essence, he is your therapist when you initially embark on the MT journey.
As with any kind of therapy, there is a starting point.
Firstly, initial contact/connection, bringing vibrational balance, alignment and light integration to the living vessel.
From there, many people go on to become Metatronia practitioners as they experience the beautiful transformational light of Source. They wish to support others, and also themselves through this beautiful frequency.
The beauty of it is that the light codings are immediate and unique with its therapeutic intervention.
It’s not necessary for us to sit for hours, explaining what you think is going on with you and what you think may need fixing. The Light knows exactly what is required to bring alignment, balance and support to the living system.
Above all, the Light knows what is required to lift us in beautiful and gentle, although for some, it can be very swift and powerful, vibrational steps of healing and energetic alignment. We come together with Source, consciously, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
So do not feel overwhelmed or put off by the word “therapy”. This is a vibrational therapy that comes from Source to assist those on their path of awakening, alignment and enlightenment.
It aids those who are just wishing to experience the light for their own use. It supports those who are wishing to be energy practitioners, and it supports everybody on their journey of consciously and physically connecting in with the Light of all creation.
Removing the veil so that we can experience the magnificent beauty, love and support that is part of our divine design.
Archangel Metatron is with us every step of the journey. We are simply asked to “ Trust, believe and be open to receive”.