Metatronia Energy – Source Light Bioenergetics
Metatronia Energy is involved in the Bioenergetics* (‘*energy flow through living systems’) – the Energy transformation with the human system from connection with higher light vibrational codings thus aligning the human vessel with the true light blueprint.
We are awakening to a new state of Being, a higher, conscious awareness of the greater reality. The truth that we are becoming as we open to the dynamics of Source.
Metatronia Energy can be applied through physical and distant application. It is the magnification and amplification of Source Light within the Human Vessel. One can unite with it for their own Ascension journey or work with it in an energy practitioner capacity.
“This vibrational integration is formed from the intelligent and most conscious life Light (the encoded light from which all is created). Archangel Metatron is assisting the re-integration with “Divine Wisdom” that “vibrationally” restores and alters the physical vessel back into its divine body of light through ethereal and “bio-chemical” interaction and restructuring”.
“At the direction of the El’Ohym, Archangel Metatron creates and generates the sacred geometrical Light Codings of the Ascension Programs for Humanity’s Return to Source at this time. Metatronia Therapy re-aligns you, as an extension of Source energy that you are, to your original Source Frequency. As well, as reintegrates the Metatronic Consciousness within you and corrects the electron spin field, to pure positive energy. This then aligns one to anchor and embody the Divine Light of the One that you truly are, within the holographic matrix. Metatron aligns, corrects and unwinds the perceptions of the mind that has perceived the self as separated and fragmented, and offers an accelerated opportunity of re-alignment to the Pure Inscription of Light of Source that you are”.
“Metatronia Therapy is a vibrational aligning/healing energy like no other and I have felt or experienced. It is a very high vibration and really goes to the heart and heals on many levels. Archangel Metatron opens us up to this transformational vibration assisting us as we expand, awaken and evolve”.
Metatronia Ascension Dynamics:
Ascension Preparation
Full Lightbody vibrational Integration & Embodiment
Diamond Christ-Aligned Light Integration
Returning to Divine Design through simplicity of Light Connection
Preparation of the Human Vessel into the Gematria Garment of Light
Assisting the Biological & Evolutionary advancement of Creation
Alignment to the Divine Mind (Cosmic Consciousness) & Universal Heart
Recalibration of the Electromagnetic energy Matrix
Metatron corrects the entropic mind matrix (isolated lower consciousness.)
Dissolves distorted thought patterns
Preparation, alignment, awakening, transitioning and recalibration to the true vibrational design of the Crystallined Human Vessel
Awakening to Divine truth through light integration and vibrational transmutation
Release from Lower Density Linear Emotional State
Returning to Divine Creativity
Ascended Consciousness & Expanded Awareness
Accelerated Ascension
Light Ignition of the Higher Vibratory Expressions of the Soul Blue Print
Integration of Oneness & Unity/Unification
Releasing Separation Consciousness
Raising overall frequency and vibration of Life Force
Dissolution of Guilt and Separated Identity
Freedom & Liberation – Actualized and Realized
Energy vortex (chakra) Rebalancing, restoration, Realignment & Clearing
Cleansing/Restoration of Aura & EMF (Electromagnetic Field)
Feelings of being “plugged back in” and/or “re-booted”
DNA/RNA Higher Light Reprogramming
Re-Genesis & Renewal, aligning with the new Light Codes of Source
Evolution & cellular Regeneration
Releasing from Karma and the idea of Karma altogether
Return to the “Law of Grace”
Frequency Modulation (this is likened to converting an AM/FM radio to a Satellite Receiver)
Inductive Linkage (Reception of Light Language)
Quantum Light Vibrations and recalibration of the Human Vessel to assist in the alignment with Source Vibration/Evolution of Human through Vibrational shifting at cellular level
Infinite light upgrading/Source Connection
Physical/Mental/Emotional/Pain body
Release of Trauma/Stress/Negativity
Soul Connection
Source Light Embodiment
Inner Truth & Self-Realization
Removal of Barriers / Blocks
Increased awareness and Understanding of Oneness and Unity
MT is not just another healing modality. This is Source in all its glory linking with and awakening mankind to divine light coding. Words really don’t cut it however there are some key points that can be highlighted to bring some understanding, although the majority of this work is done through connection and vibration through the silence of Source. It is beyond measure and we are unable to quantify that which lies beyond structure. “This Therapy is much more than what many term “energy healing”! It is not “energy healing”. It is alignment to Source”. (Valorie Farber).