Living Human Crystal 240924

A student recently imparted that she’s now able to pick up and sense distorted energy around her more since doing the MT Metaphysician training. She asked why she is able to sense more around her that feels different vibrationally.

In answer to this. We do begin to feel disruptive/out of alignment/lower energy more as our own light is amplified. Our vessel becomes empty of any distortion and our vibrational light is raised.

The vessel becomes clear as a crystal is clear. Becoming a living conduit for Source Light.

It’s rather like how a crystal works. We hold it, it begins to work its magic in line with any energy that requires balancing/aligning. We are a living human crystal. Our vessel clarity enables our light ability.

The more clear/empty the vessel, the greater the amplification of light. Enabling us to read/feel/interpret the energy around us.

This means that we can very easily pick up energies that are not in alignment. Of a lower frequency to our own.

This will always be something that you will pick up. Often feeling it within the physical vessel.

Your vessel becomes an “Antenna”, able to sense lower energies/vibration.

This is “Ascension”. Lifting up and out of density. Uniting with the omnipresent, pure, infinite clarity and divine essence that is Source.

When we are able to comprehend the different energies we feel around us, we are better equipped to deal with them, knowing that they are not our own frequency.

Metatronia practitioners can also, on a daily basis, or whenever necessary, invoke the Zenora, Az’Ra and Ra-An trinity symbols. It takes a second or two to just visualise them in the mind’s eye. This will help to further amplify your lightbody. Easing any discomfort you may sense around you. We are able to sense that which is different, through a vessel fortified and upheld in Light.

Sleeping with a piece of raw natural clear quartz point helps to get deeper, refreshing sleep and assists the vessel in releasing energies from the previous day.

The more that we work with Source Light, the greater our vibrational interpretation of energies that are not in alignment.

Clear Quartz Point

It serves as a purpose for us to know, especially with clients we may work with and our students, that the light is needed. It is rather like a vibrational compass.

If a practitioner begins to sense these different energies, it is a wonderful testimony in itself because it shows that one is beginning to comprehend how vibrational alignment is key.

As our own vessel becomes lighter through the Light codings Archangel Metatron brings, the more we feel and sense vibrational disruption outside of our own vessel.

The Metatronia Energy Light Counsellor Attunement often ramps up this vibrational clarity as it is the “higher amplification” Attunement. Assisting further with the amplification of a clear, unified crystalline vessel.

MT practitioners will benefit from obtaining a raw natural clear quartz point, and to hold it in the left hand as you sleep at night.

Remember that our vessel is a body of light. The more that we work with Metatronia Energy, the lighter the vessel. The more that we are able to sense and pick up energies around us, which enables us to assist others.

We are living human crystals. With the ability to hold the brightest Light.

Archangel Metatron is our Ascension Guide. Bringing us the vibrational tools to assist our ascension. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Enabling all of our being to unite as one in light.

“My vessel is amplified, supported, nurtured and transformed through the love of the Living Light”.

With love,
