Source Light Dynamics Digital Workbook (PDF)


The Metatronia Source Light Dynamics Workbook has been put together to assist all who are embarking on their Ascension journey of Light. The Workbook outlines some fundamentals of energy vibration, vessel preparation, symptoms, Quantum aspects and Ascension Dynamics to assist you with understanding what Metatronia (Source) energy is and how it assists your awakening, aligning and ascending journey. With over 200 pages of information & guidance from Source to assist you. “The imaginary light and illusion of a higher order dissolves and becomes truth as the veil grows thinner you are being shown much within yourself, as the divine vibration that you are. You are awakening to the Source vibration and empowering frequencies that are drawing you closer to the truth. Awaken, dissolving, embracing, becoming, aligning to your true vibration. And in this journey of becoming and awakening you will feel that which is beyond words or explanation. It is your becoming. It is your divine truth”. The pdf file will be emailed to you after purchase.