Metatronia Metaphysician Training


MT Metaphysician Training is a comprehensive package that includes 9 distant energy Attunements. Archangel Metatron brings this beautiful energy to assist our Light Evolution. It is working with Source Divine Light Dynamics. Attunements: META Practitioner Attunement, Goddess Metatreiya Energy Therapist, MT Animal Healer, MT Child Practitioner, Intuitive Healer Attunement, MT Massage Practitioner Attunement, Psychic Enhancement Attunement, Light Counsellor Attunement, Final Metaphysician Attunement. This training involves vibrational transformation and is not linear although workbooks and supporting materials supplied. Each Attunement is completed every 2-weeks. When completed you can attune students to all 9 separate Attunements up to MT Metaphysician level. I offer my students a 50% off incentive for first year MT practitioner insurance if you enrol with IICT. You cannot take MT Attunements if you are taking recreational drugs or on medication for mental health issues. Your students who have completed this training have the option of contacting me to become a Metatronia foundation teacher which is only available through my website. This package includes all requirements to set up your MT Metaphysician Practice. Includes email support & Dropbox links. Once you have signed up, I will contact you to begin training. Training must be completed within 5 months. Please note: You have to register all MT Metaphysician practitioner training with [email protected] so full Dropbox access and registration can be completed.